Saturday 20th April 2024

`Ransomware breakthrough’

In a significant breakthrough in the fight against cybercrime, law enforcement from 10 countries have disrupted the criminal operation of the LockBit ransomware group at every level, severely damaging their capability and credibility.

This international sweep follows a complex investigation led by the UK’s National Crime Agency in the framework of an international taskforce known as ‘Operation Cronos’, coordinated at European level by Europol and Eurojust. Read more on the Europol News site here….

  • ‘We are really happy with the Juniper Mist solution provided by IP Performance and in fact when you look at the number of daily connections I would say it’s exceeded our expectations, for example in our Coatbridge campus the feedback from all staff and students for a number of years has been really negative regarding the Wifi but right now we currently have 600 users connected. The ability to look at the monitor and see what the trends are in terms of time-to-connect and successful connections also gives us the ability to see a problem before it impacts on a number of users. Therefore this reduces the amount of Wifi issues that are submitted to our helpdesk, so this again shows that the solution works.’

    Joe Livingstone ICT Manager (Network),
    New College Lanarkshire