Monday 2nd November 2020

IP Performance to exhibit and deliver e-poster session at JISC Security Conference 2020

The IP Performance Higher Education Team, including Sales Director Mike Baker and Senior Engineers Andy Millett and Duncan Ross will be exhibiting at the online 3 day JISC 2020 Security Conference, which is free of charge to educational institution delegates, this Tuesday 3rd November – Thursday 5th November.

We will also be delivering an e-poster session on day 1@12pm in partnership with Steve Armstrong, Regional Director at Pcysys to discuss their Automated Testing Platform titled “Beyond Vulnerability – managing exploitation in education”, and hope you can join us!

With over 750 registrations to date, this should prove to be a fantastic networking opportunity for all concerned. If you are attending, please visit the meeting hub to request a virtual meeting with us on our stand (no. 16), we would welcome a catch-up and the opportunity to tell you about our exciting new technologies.

Our flagship products for this event are our own inexpensive SWARM platform for remote network visibility, threat and anomaly detection, security analytics and metrics monitoring, and secondly our automated penetration testing platform, please visit and attend our e-Poster session on Tuesday 3rd November, at noon.

We are on Jisc framework agreements for VAS (Vulnerability Assessment Service), Wallix (Privileged User Access Management), Pcysys (Automated Penetration Testing), Juniper Networks and Ruckus (switching and wireless).

  • ‘We are really happy with the Juniper Mist solution provided by IP Performance and in fact when you look at the number of daily connections I would say it’s exceeded our expectations, for example in our Coatbridge campus the feedback from all staff and students for a number of years has been really negative regarding the Wifi but right now we currently have 600 users connected. The ability to look at the monitor and see what the trends are in terms of time-to-connect and successful connections also gives us the ability to see a problem before it impacts on a number of users. Therefore this reduces the amount of Wifi issues that are submitted to our helpdesk, so this again shows that the solution works.’

    Joe Livingstone ICT Manager (Network),
    New College Lanarkshire